Adrian’s Art
On a personal note…
I got mononucleosis just after my fortieth birthday and was confined to quarters for two months. I took the opportunity to start drawing. After working through Betty Edwards’ pretty cool book, Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, I discovered that I could actually draw pictures that resembled something realistic. That changed everything for me.
I entered two chalk drawings in the Pacific National Exhibition in 1991 in Vancouver, one of a dog and the other of my young son’s runners. The runners got the boot. That’s them on the right.

The dog won first prize. I think the runners were better artistically, but there is always an animal theme at the PNE, as we locals always refer to the exhibition. So the dog, featured right, got the ribbon.
Both drawings are hanging in my office in front of me as I type this blog.

Thus began a new chapter in my life. I have done many black and white pencil sketches (my favourite medium), mostly of animals, but some of sports cars, which I coloured, for my youngest grandson. Here are some samples:

French Bulldog Pup. Too cute.

I really enjoy sketching. I find it very relaxing. But my real passion is writing. And herein lies the purpose of this website.
During the next few months, I will be introducing the novels I have written (six to date) under the heading BOOKS, where you will be able to read sample chapters and order eBooks or paperback versions of the various novels as they are released for publication. You will find a direct link to purchase these novels on the website.